Hi my name is Mim!
I'm a wholesome Vtuber who loves to stream ♡


Donation Perks

$10 Donation redeem

🌸 I say Nyan or kon at the end of my sentences for 5 mins🌸 Change my hair color to any color you want for 5 mins🌸 Choose what I transform into for 5 mins

$20 Donation redeem

🌸 I attempt to say ara ara🌸 I will send you 5 random holographic Mim cards (Over 40 to collect!)*🌸 I’ll sign photo of your choice on stream and send it to you**🌸 Multiplayer game of your choice
(Mario Kart, Smash bros, Mario Party, Kirby's dream buffet, Splatoon 3, Obakeidoro!, Among us, Puyo puyo, Animal crossing, F-Zero 99)

$50 Donation redeem

🌸 I’ll play a game demo of your choice on switch.*🌸 I’ll draw you something of your choice using one of these drawing methods and send it to you.**

$100 Donation redeem

🌸 Make me eat something spicy🌸 I’ll take a bite into a lemon🌸 Force me to play a Rhythm game🌸 Angel of destruction descends… (I bring my cat angel on camera and hope she doesn’t knock stuff down)🌸 Gecko time! Lauren my leopard gecko makes an appearance

$1000 Donation redeem

🌸 I say a curse word… why did you request I add this!?🌸 Force Mim to sing on stream (I’ll sing a song but I’m not a good singer so please be nice)

You can request these perks Via super chat/Paypal donation corresponding to that amount.*I can veto certain games, songs & images if it’s something I think is not seiso.**For physical rewards please fill out this Google form so I can send them to you.


🌸 $313 - Singing lessons🌸 $500 - Animated detective Mim starting soon screen🌸 $1000 - I’ll debut a new Mim form and watch cute animal videos & play games of the animal that form is based on🌸 $1,500 - Animated pixel art starting soon screen + 8 bit version of my BGM🌸 $2,000 - I’ll debut a new Mim form and play a game of your choice + a special hand cam stream related to that new form🌸 $3,500 - Mim Manga + physical prints sent to top donors🌸 $5,000 - I will let chat submit animal ideas for a Mim form and vote to pick whatever animal you want me to transform into next.🌸 $15,000 - High quality Mimazing 3D Mim + irl stream

Top Donor Rewards

If we reach $3130 then I will give the reward to the top 3 donors instead of just the top donor.
🌸 An Acrylic standee of any starting soon screen of your choice layered for 3D depth🌸 Full holographic card set of 40 cards hand made🌸 Physical Mim manga if goal is met

Time Extention rules

Starting time 30 minutes (Capped at 4 days)$1 = 1 minuteBecome a Member/Patron = $ amount + 10 minutes

Donation rules

Paypal donations will be counted in full on the goal bar
With each Payapal donation you will receive a personal thank you card as well.
Youtube donations will be decreased by 30% on the goal bar to better reflect the real amount of money I receive.Ex: for every $50 donation on Youtube I receive $35

🌸If you send money via Paypal please leave a comment letting me know. This way I can add the time and money to the counter right away.🌸Remember to only send money if you can afford it. Don't hurt yourself finantially for my sake that would make me very sad :(